My DreamBox


If you’ve been keeping an eye on my IG Stories, I jumped on to mention that my assistant Haley and I were organizing the studio again! We’ve been at this for the past couple of weeks to be REALLY organized thanks to my DreamBox!


This was a gifted product from CreateRoom and even though we just finished finally putting everything in its final place, it’s been one of the most useful products I’ve ever used. I’M FINALLY ORGANIZED!

Honestly, I don’t know how we’ve been keeping things together. Between the buttons, patterns, and all of the crafting and sewing materials, everything ended up all over the place instead of keeping everything for each project together. We were constantly losing and misplacing materials which meant having to stop everything and either tear apart the studio because things weren’t where we had thought they were (or the containers were too large to easily find things) or head to the store in order to buy those materials before we could even move forward. I truly thought that we were organized but wow was I wrong. Probably the most stressful part of our “organization” before the DreamBox was that spaces felt cramped and messy. We didn’t actually have the space for all of my craft supplies and we definitely didn’t utilize the area as well as we had thought!

Enter: DreamBox!


This product has truly been a lifesaver. You all know how I love everything to look aesthetically pleasing (especially with all of the photos and videos that feature my new space!) and it really ties the space together well thanks to how customizable it is! I was able to continue the studio vibes with the DreamBox so it looks as though it was meant to be there from the beginning! Now, I have more peace of mind and less stress because I know all of my supplies are in one space and everything is labeled so we can find things a lot more quickly. It’s also allowed me to free up other spaces in the studio that I can use more efficiently!

I could honestly say that I would recommend this to anyone interested in crafting or anyone who really needs some great organization in their life (even if you don’t think you need it, you do!). My DreamBox has been my lifesaver! If you’re interested in checking them out, make sure you use my code TABITHASEWER to get $100 off of your next purchase!

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