Nifty Thrifty: Halloween Candy Bar Cart

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If you have been following me for some time now, you know that I love a good thrift store find. I found this tea cart at my local thrift store and thought it would be cool if I gave it a more modern and fun paint lift. So I decided to paint it pink. Its an unexpected color and it makes for a pretty cool bar or candy set up for any party.


Here is what it looked like BEFORE. It was painted in this horrid blue paint with a wash of an antique gray chalk paint over it. I believe that this was the outcome of another person’s project. Yikes!



  • Wrapped the tires in plastic wrap to prevent the pink paint from covering them

  • I removed one of the folded leads so that I can have one side with a minimal design

  • I painted the entire cart a light pink. I t took 3 cans of paint believe it or not.

  • Once it dried, I removed the plastic from the wheels and covered a portion of the cart with the plastic. I, then painted the wheels a metallic gold.

I’m really excited to style this cart with the many parties that I’ll be having. The first party I had was a halloween one. I loved, loved, loved the way I style this cart for Halloween. I mean….no expects pink to look this horrifying right?! LOL!

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